Ninja Shadow Warrior
Ninja Shadow Warrior from Kaho A on Vimeo.
Ninja Shadow Warrior is a stand alone photo booth arcade game using the Kinect camera, computer and a hacked closet light button built into a custom game cabinet. The palace is under attack and the player must use his/her ninja magic to hide by “becoming” objects. The player must fill out the silhouette of a randomly chosen object from the ninja palace as accurately as possible. The game encourages face-to-face cooperative interaction through strategy, rather than rules, as multiple ninjas can fill out object silhouettes more accurately and thus achieve a higher score. The score achieved during a game in addition to the snapshot is posted on a website where it can be shared.
The code is written in Processing, uses Shiffman’s Open Kinect Library .
Collaborations & Support
Music is by Jenks Whittenburg. This project is supported by Eyebeam Art & Technology Center and NYU-Poly Game Innovation Lab.
- 2013: Museum of the Moving Image, Queens, NY [event site]
- 2012: BAM Fisher Block Party with Babycastles, Brooklyn, NY [event site]
- 2012: “Joue le Jeu” show at la Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, France [exhibition site]
- 2012: World Science Festival at NYU-Poly [event site]
- 2011: Game Set Watch [blog site]
- 2010 – 2011: X-Lab at Eyebeam Art & Technology Center [exhibition site]
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